To contact Alex about consulting or representing your film, please email
him here.
CONSULTING SERVICES – Block can help you grow your media business by working with your editorial team to improve content, helping develop new strategies for sourcing unique news stories and features. Block also is available to work with production teams to create editorial and promotional materials about the movie and television industries.
PRODUCER’S REP – Work with filmmakers and independent movie producers to find domestic and international distribution for theatrical, TV and streaming releases. He also can develop strategic positioning for sale, licensing and festival appearances.
Block also offers Media Training For Executives:
Block provides insights into how the media really works, what they want, when to fear them and when you can use the media to your advantage. Each segment includes opportunities for executives to have their questions answered and for one-on-one discussions.
Training includes topics such as:
-How to turn media opportunities to your advantage
-What really drives print, electronic, and online new organizations to choose stories, to develop features and ultimately how to build profits and create sustained success.
-Insight into Hollywood and global show business
-Basic training for those who want to win the war of stories, soundbites and gossip
-How it really works inside the major news organizations, and what to expect from communications with media, and how newspapers, TV stations, wire services, and the many new media platforms gather news
-How to publicize your film or product and turn it into something of interest to the media
BOOK IN ADVANCE: Get rid of the fear and use Block's knowledge to be more effective in promoting products, corporate investor relations, public relations, promotion, licensing, event planning, and more – by learning what it takes in this rapidly changing time to feed the 24/7 news cycle from a veteran Hollywood journalist.